The Problem With Youth Unemployment in Canada

Economics: Canada’s GDP, and Employment:

There have been a lot of interesting developments happening in Canada related to employment that I think are worth discussing. I’m going to explain why Canada has one of the highest youth unemployment rates it has ever seen, why Canada’s GDP growth has actually been a negative for citizens, and how politics are influencing this issue and what people in power are starting to do about it.

Toronto and Ontario Lag Behind Canada:

The first topic I wanted to touch on is unemployment in Canada and more specifically in Ontario and Toronto where I now live. The unemployment rate in Toronto in November 2024 was sitting at 8.2% which is higher than Hamilton (6.7%), Kingston (5.8%), Ottawa (6.1%), St. Catherine’s (6.6%), and almost every other major city in Ontario except Windsor (8.5%). Toronto’s unemployment rate is comparable to Northern Ontario where work is notoriously hard to find (8.4%). The overall unemployment rate in Ontario was 7.2% which is higher than the national rate of 6.8%. Why is Ontario doing worse than the country as a whole and why is Toronto doing worse than the rest of the province? Let’s find out.

Overshooting Immigration Targets:

Unemployment is the symptom, not the cause. In order to find the cause we need to understand how unemployment works in the first place, and this is generally just a case of supply and demand. But there are other factors at play, like interest rates, immigration and migration, investment etc. As we have all been made aware by now, Canada overshot it’s immigration and migration numbers by a significant amount in the past couple years and the government is beginning to try and put more restrictions on people coming into the country. Generally speaking, Canada has always been friendly to immigration, especially people who are highly skilled workers and are able to contribute positively or fill needs in our economy. It has been stated many times over that the only way for Canada to maintain it’s pension plans and continue growing GDP and productivity is through immigration. If immigration is such a good thing, why have we decided to cut it down? Well part of the reason is that we have nowhere to put people, housing has become such a large issue and pain point, and renting or buying almost anywhere in the country is becoming extremely unaffordable. People will come here, and expect to find a reasonable home and realize that a huge portion of their paycheque is going towards their rent or mortgage. This doesn’t explain unemployment, but it does help explain some issues we have with our economy as a whole.

Highest Household Debt in G7 Curbs Spending:

Another factor in our problematic economy is that Canada has the highest household debt to income ratio in the G7. Meaning that people in Canada are extremely overleveraged on their homes and rent payments. This affects the economy in ways that people may not understand. Traditionally the people who spend the most money tend to be middle class, and spending money is what stimulates the economy and leads to growth and expansion. What has happened over the past few years with the skyrocketing costs of housing, the expensive mortgages that people are renewing into, and general high inflation. Is that people do not have excess money to spend, and consumer confidence is quite low.

Employers Pull Back Investment:

If people are not spending, there is no reason for companies to make investments in their workforces and R&D new products when there is no demand for those things, and in many cases shrinking demand. We now find ourselves in a situation where our GDP per capita (per person) has actually gone down at the fastest rate in the G7. This is a much more accurate measure of quality-of-life changes, as compared to overall GDP growth. Part of the reason per capita is down is because we’ve let in so many people (over a million in 1 year). The overall GDP has gone up compared to a year ago, but per person has gone down. Without all these extra people boosting our numbers we’d be in a technical recession. The way that falling GDP per capita manifests in people’s real lives is the realization that their money doesn’t go as far as it once did and struggling to afford and adjust to fewer things, fewer luxuries, fewer benefits that come with a growing economy. Life has become more difficult and paying bills has become more challenging in the past couple years for the grand majority of Canadians. The average money that Canada produces, per person in the country, has gone down, there is literally less to go around. But the economic headlines don’t usually focus on GDP per capita, they focus on GDP and proudly promote the fact that our economy is (technically) growing.

Newcomer Credentials Not Recognized:

Because of all these factors: high interest rates, high levels of household debt, low business investment, declining GDP per capita, and millions of people coming to Canada, we are suffering an unemployment problem that is getting progressively worse. These problems are also making it even more challenging for all the people and students who come here. I don’t believe that people should expect handouts, but by the same token I’m not sure that it’s fair that we are telling people to come here, and then they’re met with the reality that there’s just no work for them or their credentials aren’t recognized or a million other hurdles are put in their way to succeed. Work is becoming harder and harder to find due to the above, this leads to strains on public services, food banks, and more. By allowing the sheer number of people to come into the country that we did, we are effectively draining our own resources at breakneck speed. Stack on top of this our housing construction issue which is a whole other topic for a whole other blog, and we’re just squeezing people for everything they have. High cost of housing, poor employment, the picture is bleak. A lot of the economic factors I’ve mentioned are leading to the cost of home construction to become un-feasible for builders, and this will lead to a renewed shortage of housing about 3-5 years from now, which is really not what we need added to the pile of problems.

Historically High Youth Unemployment:

Let’s discuss youth unemployment, I’ve been reading some scary things about the 15-24 age group. The core age group 25-54 is currently experiencing above long run average employment levels, the youth age group is not faring nearly as well. As of last year, employment was at somewhat normal levels for Ontario youth, hovering around 11%. But in the latter half of 2024 it has jumped to around 17% and is getting worse. This is problematic because getting a job is important to development for a lot of young people. Your first crappy customer service job motivates you to find a better job, internships lead to future full time roles, and you learn important life skills and how to work with others. These employment numbers getting worse are not only bad right now, but will be bad for the future workforce, youth unemployment is a crisis. France has declared youth unemployment a national crisis, and their numbers are better than ours, what does that say about us? These numbers are also directly impacting a lot of university graduates because it points to the fact that companies are hiring fewer and fewer new grads in an already extremely challenging environment to find work.

University Graduates Struggling to Find Work, Hiring Freezes:

This data backs up what I’ve been hearing anecdotally. I graduated from Engineering in 2023 and I’ve been talking to others who graduated from school around the same time I did. I’ve heard stories of people searching for work for over 7 months to a year and a half AFTER graduation to find work (many still looking). A client of mine that I spoke to a month ago who works for a materials engineering company is currently in a hiring freeze and knows of many other companies who are doing the same. This is as of November 2024. Every engineering graduate I’ve recently spoken to agrees with me when I make the comment, “I wasn’t aware when I started school, that part of the gig would be moving to the US.” Not just to find a job that pays well, but to find any job AT ALL! You suffer through years of engineering just to continue to suffer for another year or more to find a Canadian engineering job, it’s extremely disheartening and I don’t blame people for feeling disenfranchised with Canada or their expensive educations because of it. I can think of a greater number of people from my engineering cohort who are working in the US than those who are working in Canada. The ones who are working in Canada are only doing so because they are international students and have no other choice (or worked their butts off applying), but would much prefer work in the US, and likely will once they are Canadian citizens. I don’t know how else to say this, but we simply don’t have enough jobs in Canada and Ontario to keep people from leaving, and the US benefits from all these people we’ve spent (partial) taxpayer money educating.

Employers Hiring for Experience:

Another relevant point here is that as companies are cutting costs, tightening their belts, and possibly laying off highly qualified workers, why bother hiring a new grad you have to train from scratch where there is a pool of much more experienced, more qualified people for you to choose from. This contributes to the bleak outlook for youth employment. The numbers back this up because employment of core workers is steady and rising, while it is falling for youth. Diverging a bit from the data again, I read recently a comment from a Canadian online forum that you used to be able to just walk into pretty much any retail store and ask for a job and you’d be hired in a jiffy. But even these basic jobs are much harder to come by and staffed frequently by overqualified workers, or workers who aren’t getting paid properly and are becoming harder to find.

Part-Time Work Replacing Full-Time Work:

Another concerning fact is that we are losing full-time jobs almost at the same rate that we are gaining part-time jobs. Our employment situation is actually much worse than the numbers make it seem, full-time jobs are being replaced by part time-jobs and gig work. This is a problem and underscores that quality of life has likely declined for a significant portion of the population. Full-time stable employment is becoming a thing of the past for many people and they are replacing it with one or more part-time jobs. Along the same vein is underemployment, Canada is notorious for this. Everyone has a story of when they discovered that their Uber driver was a doctor in their home country. I don’t have any issue with doctors having to go through recertification and a couple years of training to get up to speed on how we do things here. But there are no spots available for them in residency programs and yet we have a huge shortage of family doctors! What are we doing here?

“98% of Graduates Are Employed”… at McDonalds:

I feel similarly when I learn a recent university graduate is working at McDonalds just like they were in high school. The only difference is that they have a 4-year university degree and are $30,000 more in debt. The situation here is quite frankly bizarre. This reminds of an ad that I would often see in Hamilton that made me laugh while I was on the bus to and from McMaster University. Brock University was advertising that “98% of [it’s] graduates were employed within 2 years of graduation.” No mention of whether those graduates were employed in their field or a related field or if they were using their degree at all for that employment. So I would always joke “yeah and 50% of them are working at McDonalds or underemployed.” It’s not impressive at all that after 2 years out from school you might finally decide to move out of your parents basement and start working literally any job to pay your students loans back. I knew it was bad 5 years ago, and it’s only gotten worse thanks to all these knock on effects of the pandemic and other world events.

Why Toronto is the Epicenter:

So back to the question I posed at the top. Why is the employment rate worse in Ontario and Toronto than the rest of the country? The answer lies mainly in the number of people that choose to come to the province. Ontario is the largest province, has the most schools, and brings in the most people. But we also don’t have as diverse of an economy as the US. We are not the profit center of Canada, that honour goes to our silicon valley, Alberta and their oil. We don’t have the most profitable enterprises in the country, yet we see the most people coming here. Demand to live and work in Ontario and Toronto is much higher than supply, therefore we see the phenomenon’s I have illustrated. This supply-demand imbalance is also somewhat of a contributing factor to all the issues I posed above related to youth unemployment, people leaving Canada, and our false GDP problem, it also underscores the importance of the governments of Toronto and Ontario taking these issues seriously and trying to identify solutions to all these problems. Much of the problem does still lie with the Federal government’s regulations and Bank of Canada policy. But employment, especially for youth, is something I believe needs to be addressed by all levels of government on top of what they’re already doing with housing and population.

Keep working hard,


Get Lazy & Build Relationships

Update Dec 14, 2024: Added Newsletter Email Archive at End of Post.

I was having a discussion today with my co-workers and we were (very professionally, might I add) complaining about all the times people have asked us to do something that should have been understood to be the other (third party) persons responsibility. I recently had multiple experiences where I was roped into doing someone’s work for them. A good example of this is that twice in the last month I would probably have never received my a commission cheque if I hadn’t followed up and insistently asked to get paid (weeks after I was supposed to, might I add). So all of these things just stacked up and got me thinking. If there are so many people being so lazy out there and making good living wages just doing the bare minimum. Making other people do the work for them, am I missing something? Should I be more lazy? Another word for this type of lazy would be “delegating”, but I’m not sure where the lines are between, favours, delegation, just plain lazy. So I want to unpack this a bit and talk about what lines I think are reasonable and how to better delegate work if that is a part of your job. Getting people to do things is never easy.

Delegation, the thing that all managers have to do and will become very familiar with in their day-to-day work life. If you are trying to get someone to do something. What is the best way to do it? Well for starters, generally speaking, paying someone to do tasks is a good motivator. I work 100% for commission, so when I’m asked to do something I’ll take a bit more convincing, because if I can’t draw a line from point A to point B, and I find I’m quite generous with my time and my lines, the motivation to get that thing done just sometimes isn’t there, especially if I feel like I’m just handing out favours left and right. But I have come to realize that there’s a lot more to working on a team, even if it’s commission only, than just “how will this help me get paid.” It’s important to see the bigger picture, spend time planning for future business, and in general building good relationships with the people you work with so if you do need a favour they’ll be more willing to oblige. It always helps if there’s a trade of some kind. For example, I recently moved to Toronto and borrowed a truck from my company and proceeded to lose the gas cap (tired brain, left it as the gas station). In exchange for using the truck and the lost gas cap, I helped de-stage a few homes. Which to me was a decent enough trade to motivate me to be there.

If you have people who are working for a salary, you might be thinking, “well I’m paying them, they should just do whatever I tell them to do.” This is partially correct, but employees can sometimes box themselves in and think in the mindset of, “I was hired to do a certain thing for you, and anything outside of that is someone else’s job, so I won’t do it.” This again, is where good old trading comes in, people are selfish. Blame self-preservation. But even generous people can have a limit on how much “unrelated to their work BS” they’re willing to put up with. Therefore, if you can make it extremely clear, what someone will be getting or has already gotten, in exchange for them doing something that might not be in the job description for you, it becomes a lot easier to get them to do that thing. I would largely frown upon using a power imbalance to your advantage here, or threats, that’s a great way to build a culture where no one trusts anyone else. Think long term, be polite, and be helpful to others and they’ll do the same for you. There’s also something called building goodwill, some people will take advantage of it, but if you’re in a bit of a lower position, or you’re just starting out on something, you may find it a good idea to put up with a bit more BS. Because when you need a favour from someone higher up, they’ll be much more wiling to help you out, obviously safety first, don’t do anything unreasonable. 

I’ll be honest, I’m a complete novice at this organizational behavior thing, I took one course in university about it, and it didn’t involve much psychology. More macro scale how companies behave, all of what I’ve written so far mainly comes from observations, chatting with others, and personal experiences working. On an individual level it’s much more important to have frank conversations with people about what they are thinking and how they are feeling about their work. Sometimes you may just be asking someone to do something that they are clueless about and they might not be willing to admit it because of their ego. Everyone can fall into little traps like this and it’s important to keep good relationships, ask people how they’re doing, and try to see the human behind the work.

I’m going to move on to somewhat of a tangent right now. But something that I find irritating when it comes to employment, is that people teach good management principles that are something along the lines of “help people, help them fail fast, people make mistakes and sometimes you have to fix them.” Some companies are just completely cutthroat and if you underperform their metrics it’s game over, but most will have some amount of leniency. The part that bothers me is when they’re hiring for an entry level position and require 5 years of experience, and during the interview seems like you’re expected to know how to do the job at their company already using their very specific software’s and systems that they’ve built internally. Let’s not even get into the online application portal hiring process. For the love of God, don’t spend a minute online until you know someone. You’re better off spending just an hour a day talking with people even loosely in the field your interested in vs. spending 4 hrs a day applying to jobs on portals where no one will ever read your resume. Give yourself a chance. Yes in the era of the internet and social media, I’m telling you the best way to get a job is talk to people. Interesting how that hasn’t changed.

Back to the regularly scheduled programming. So how do you harness your inner lazy to get more things done, and how do you stand up for yourself and your own productivity and time. Prioritizing is very important, you want to make sure you know what you are doing, and when you are doing it, so if someone asks you “hey can you do this thing for me,” you do not have to default to saying yes. I don’t want to sound like I’m telling you as an employee to NOT do what you’re being told to do, but I do want you to take responsibility for your own time. I think if you’re self employed this is extra important, health and fitness are important aspects of performing at your best, so schedule in that time, an appointment with yourself if you will. I now have a bit of a wonky schedule and work on specific days in Toronto and Mississauga. So if I’m asked to do something in the city on the day which I’m not available there “I’m all booked up.” Even if I end up not having much else to do in the other city on that particular day. Setting boundaries and lines for yourself is important. But it is also very important to be flexible to good opportunities when they present themselves. There’s a balance that needs to be walked, and depending on your job you may have more flexibility for one type of thing and less flexibility for another, you have to learn where it is important to move your schedule around and where it can wait.

By the same token, you’ll be surprised how many people are willing to help you simply if you’ve been helpful to them or you are a nice person. Just asking someone to do something will often result in them obliging even if it’s a slight inconvenience, no one wants to be perceived as unhelpful. Obviously, this can be taken advantage of and I don’t recommend doing so. But if it’s nothing too crazy, maybe you’re just asking for 5 minutes of advice, or you just want to learn something. Many people, even people who’s time costs more than your annual salary, are willing to oblige and help someone out if they’re asked nicely.

For example, if I see someone marketing a home in a way that I haven’t considered before, I’ll just give them a quick call and ask how they did it, if they’re a person with a collaborative attitude who wants everyone to do better, they’ll have no problem telling me exactly what they did. Complimenting someone on something they’ve done that you liked, and then asking for advice on how you can do it yourself, is probably the easiest way to get someone talking and willing to help. Remember, when building relationships it’s not about yourself, the more questions you are asking the other person about themselves, the more engaging they’ll find the conversation. People are extremely willing to help out if you take a genuine and personal interest in them and not necessarily in their work. Usually, work is just a small part of a person’s bigger life and getting to know not just their work but other things about them as a person can be very helpful in asking for favours and building good relationships in general. Like anything practice makes perfect when it comes to building relationships, start small, get a bit outside your comfort zone, and keep trying.

That’s all for now, this is a bit of a shorter one, had a big move to the big city recently (I smell opportunity!) and haven’t had much time to pump this out. But hopefully you are able to take a few things away from this and find that people are often more than willing to help out, as long as you are polite and come across and helpful yourself, and take an interest in the person behind the thing they do.

Keep investing,


Newsletter Email Archive Sent: Dec 10, 2024:

Newsletter #27: How Being Lazy Can Help, Interest Rate Improvements, 2025 Market Acceleration

This Weeks Blog Post:

Get Lazy & Build Relationships:

  • Talking about how to get other people do (politely) do what you want them to do
  • Management strategies for employees
  • Learning to build relationships with people instead of wasting time in front of your computer

Read the full article here:

Trreb Market Stats Nov 2024:

  • Winter is slowly moving in, bring on the winter sports! In sharing some warmer news the Greater Toronto Area home sales increased strongly on a year-over-year basis in November. Many buyers benefitted from more affordable market conditions brought about by lower borrowing costs. The number of new listings were also up compared to November 2023 but by a much lesser annual rate. This is resulting in tighter market conditions and contributing to overall average price growth compared to last year.  With the momentum we are experiencing I’m expecting a bit of a slow but steady market recovery in 2025. 
  • There were 5,875 home sales through November, up by 40.1% compared to 4,194 sales reported in November 2023. Total active listings on the MLS® System amounted to 21,818, up by 30.2% year over year. November sales were up month-over-month compared to October. The average selling price was up by 2.6% compared to November 2023 to $1,106,050 in the GTA overall.
  • Toronto’s Regional Real Estate Board Chief Market Analyst, Jason Mercer, recently stated that on a seasonally adjusted basis, the average selling price edged slightly lower compared to October. Although market conditions have tightened, particularly for single-family homes, the detached home market in particular experienced average annual price growth above the rate of inflation, particularly in the City of Toronto. However, the condominium apartment market continues to experience lower average selling prices compared to a year ago. Condo buyers are benefitting from a lot of choice, giving them negotiating power. This will attract renter households into homeownership as borrowing costs trend lower in the months ahead.  
  • I wish you and your family a fantastic holiday season and I look forward to connecting with you very soon. Happy Holidays!! 

Other News:

  • It appears that despite the proposed tariffs from our neighbors to the south, the Bank of Canada may still be on track to cut interest rates tomorrow (Dec 11, 2024), with some predictions anticipating another 0.5% cut, looking at 5 year bond yields after a bit of a pop post election they have begun to trend back down to the lows we saw in October 2024. If this trend continues going into the holidays and the New Year, we can expect buyers to be pleasantly surprised by how much their purchasing power on a fixed mortgage has improved.

Above chart from

  • On top of this a slew of NEW mortgage rules will be coming into place on Dec 15, 2024 (you can learn about them at my YouTube presentation here: which for first time buyers will instantly provide them with an improvement to their purchasing power as well.
  • You can see below the difference that a 1% change in interest rates makes to the potential mortgage amount someone can afford on the same 3200 budget.

With low-down payment mortgages being allowed up to 1.5 million dollars this also will improve affordability in some slightly more expensive markets and bring a wider array of potential buyers to those homes.

Above chart made by yours truly.

Stock Market Performance as of Tuesday Dec 10, 2024:

S&P 500: 6,044.60 (+27.44% YTD)
NASDAQ: 19,687.07 (+33.33% YTD)
S&P/TSX Composite: 25,565.73 (+22.49% YTD)

Macroeconomics Statistics:

Canada’s CPI Inflation Oct 2024: 2.0% (0.0% Change from Sept 2024)
Current BoC Benchmark Interest Rate: 3.75% (0.5% Decrease on Oct 23, 2024, next decision: Dec 11, 2024)
Unemployment Rate November 2024: 6.5% (0.1% Decrease from Sept 2024)

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Real Estate Stats – November 2024:

November 2024 Average Selling Price All Home Types: $1,106,050
Y-o-Y (comparing Novembers) % Change in Average Selling Price: +2.6%

YTD Number of MLS Sales: 64,277
YTD % Change in MLS Sales (compared to this time last year): +2.7%

Y-o-Y (comparing Novembers) % Change in MLS Sales: +40.1%
Number of MLS Sales in November: 5,875
Y-o-Y (comparing Novembers) % Change in Active Listings: +30.2%
Number of Active Listings in November: 21,818

Inventory Available: 3.71 Months (Increase from 3.5 Months in November 2024)

Market Type: Buyers Market

Thanks for reading and have a great week! -Oliver Foote

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Investing $100,000 in Stocks vs. Real Estate 25 Years Ago

Update Dec 14, 2024: Added Newsletter Email Archive at End of Post.

This thought experiment has been floating around in my big ol’ brain for a little while now, and I was curious what the results would be. So this post is going to be a bit of a back-test of investing in stocks (index fund) vs. real estate (homeownership as an investment). I’m going to have to make a few assumptions, but I’m going to try and make them as realistic as possible for the sake of this post. Before jumping into the thought experiment I want to point out and outline a principle that is sometimes lost in the numbers when people are comparing real estate to other investments like stocks. 

Real estate is an insanely leveraged investment. Why? What does that mean? I didn’t know we’d be talking about Physics? Allow me to explain. Leverage in it’s most basic form is borrowing money from one person, to then turn around and invest. For example you might leverage 2x the money you have available to you. In stock terms this means that if your investment goes up 100% (doubles), you’ve made a 300% return (2x leverage + 2x return – 1x original investment). Let’s use real numbers to make this make more sense. Let’s say you have $100,000, you then go to the bank and say “hey, I have a great investment idea, my credit is great, will you lend me $100,000?” They say, “sure, no problem, but we’ll charge you interest.” So you take your now $200,000 and invest it (really it’s just $100,000 + $100,000 loaned against that). Your investment doubles. You now have $400,000 in a bank account. If you had only invested your $100,000, unleveraged, and your investment doubled, you’d have $200,000. Instead you used leverage and now you’ve made $200,000 instead of $100,000 by using 2 to 1 leverage (minus fees and interest). Let’s say for the sake of argument your fees and interest came out to $50,000 over the course of the investment, you pay back $150,000 to the bank. You still come out ahead with $150,000 profit + your original $100,000. More than double the initial amount, that’s the power of leverage.

HOWEVER, if your investment falls by 50%, you lose everything. How? Well you need to have a way to repay the bank, so the money you have is collateral for their loan. If your investment in stocks drops by 50% you’ll have $100,000 in your account, which is exactly enough to repay the bank. So you’ll get “margin called” which is when the bank sells stocks on your behalf and will pay back their loan. Just like that you go from $100,000 to nothing. So leverage has 2 sides, and the downside risk can be quite large and scary which is why most people should never play with leverage. Yes you can make astronomical returns, but you can go broke just as quickly. So… Real Estate, the thing we all live in, is leveraged 5 to 1… Let’s talk about it.

After what I’ve just told you about how leverage can destroy you’re investment, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “surely, no bank would be crazy enough to lend more than 2x or 3x to a VERY smart investor,” well do I have news for you. Every day, people are going out there, going to their banks and being provided a loan for 5x-20x the money they plan to spend on their home. How does that make any sense? Well, apparently, we’ve all decided that the most stable asset in existence is land, and homes. Every bank and government has decided collectively that homeownership is a right of sorts and it has resulting in lending policies that allow for this type of leverage. If you get into “low down payment” mortgages it gets even more crazy.

So lets take a look at an example. You have $100,000 that you want to spend on a home. About $10,000 of that will go to land transfer tax, lawyer fees, home inspections etc. So your investment after cost of doing business is closer to $90,000. Lets create 2 scenarios, both will factor in a renter investing in stocks vs. equivalent homeowner. I’ll try to provide actual examples of houses and rents too. A point that I think is important to make here is that past performance is never an indicator of future results, that goes for stocks and the housing market and there are a lot of things that influence both these markets in a big way, this is a historical example, and may not pan out exactly the same way in the future. But I hope it is illustrative.

Scenario 1: 20% Down Payment (5 to 1 leverage)

In 1999 $90,000 as a 20% down payment means that you can buy $450,000 worth of home. What does that get you?

In one of Mississauga’s nicer neighborhoods Lorne Park, that would get you a 4 bed, 3-4 bath, 2000-2500 sq. ft. home, 2 car garage, possibly with a pool.

A 5-year fixed mortgage rate would have been around 7.5% at the time.

Your monthly mortgage payment would be approximately $2600 per month, add in your other home expenses and let’s say $3000 per month.

Now, how much would a similar home cost to rent at the time?

I’m seeing around $2300-2500/month, so let’s call it $2500 after expenses again.

$500 less per month to rent.

Now that the stage is set, let’s do some math shall we.

Let’s assume the renter family’s put their initial $100,000 into an S&P 500 index fund and the $500 per month in savings goes into this same fund, so $6000 per year extra. Meanwhile, the other family’s savings gets dumped completely into home and mortgage we’ll also say that both families start in January of 1999 and the extra $6000 is added at the start of each year. We’ll just say that both families succumb to lifestyle inflation with the extra income over the years so their numbers don’t change. What happens?

Renter family:

YearS&P 500 ROI Added dollars ($)Portfolio Value ($)

Owner family by 2023: Home value $1,650,000-$1,750,000, mortgage paid off.

The average housing price growth in this time period was around 10% per year for detached homes. I tried to find actual houses on the market that have recently sold as a more true indicator of value rather than just computing the average. As you can see, due to the leverage that mortgages allowed you are now twice as wealthy as the person who invested in stocks, you own the home rent free, and you can accelerate your own savings on top of owning this now expensive home and outpace the stock investor even more. Meanwhile, the other family’s rent and expenses will have gone up and they may have had to move a few times because of owners selling homes. Stability is not quite the same, and while $800,000 is an impressive sum of money, it’s still half as much as the homeowner, even with historically higher growth in stocks than average.

What about the future of housing?

People are predicting that the next decade will not see the same returns on housing as the last two decades, but having a home even as an investment rather than leaving money in stocks can mean that while a tenant is paying down your mortgage for you, there will be money left over for you to continue investing in stocks, rinse and repeat, buy more homes get more tenants. Yes it is somewhat clinical, but the more people you have building your home equity, the more “streams” of income you will eventually have when all those homes are paid off, or you just sell them for a ton of money. Every home is a vehicle to 5x or more leverage, you’re controlling a $450,000 asset in our example with only $90,000. Yes you do have to pay interest and you’re “burning” a lot of money in interest every year, but even after all those fees, you’ve done well! I’m again stressing that past does not equal future. Who knows what the future holds! But historically, real estate has been the way to go, and every wealthy person I’ve ever met has some amount of holdings in real estate or land. Because they aren’t making any more of it!

Now there are a million ways to invest in real estate and make a return on investment much quicker than this believe it or not. One of those ways would be purchasing a home in need of some repair and then selling it, what people call “sweat equity” or “forced appreciation”, making it worth more to the market. This is more risk, but in theory more reward. But I’m more of a believer in the long game and just trying to acquire as many beans as possible so my pile of beans can be huge.

Let’s move onto scenario 2.

Scenario 2: 5% Down Payment (20 to 1 leverage)

Here’s a bit of a history lesson for you. The 5% down payment rule came into effect around 1995, and we proceeded to see two decades of the highest appreciation rates in the history of the GTA Real Estate Market. I’m not going to talk too much about government policies and what could have been different, maybe some other time, for now we’ll just accept this as it is. So in the grand year of 1999 before the dot com bubble, we can now leverage our money 20x! Woohoo! (probably).

The rules at the time were 5% up to 500,000 then 10% down up to $1 million. So if you buy a $999,999 house, your down payment is 7.5%, so not quite 20x leverage. Let’s say that you buy a $999,999 house in this scenario with 7.5% down, or $74,999 and you burn the other $25,000 on fees and mortgage insurance.

This budget, allows us to buy a home under $1,000,000 on the prestigious Mississauga Rd. north of the QEW. 4-5 Bed 8 Bath, over 5000 sq ft. Probably what we’d call a McMansion nowadays. In 2023 this caliber of home sold for $3.8 Million to $4.0 Million. Your monthly mortgage payments on this at 7.5% interest would be around $7,000 a month with property tax and everything else lets call it $9,000 a month. From what I can see online to rent a similar property would have been around $5000 a month call it $6000 after other expenses. Which is $3000 savings per month, or $36,000 per year. So lets take a look at this $100,000 stock investment, this time with $36,000 getting added per year.

YearS&P 500 ROIAdded dollars ($)Portfolio Value ($)

Decided to use excel this time. In this second scenario, because you’re dumping so much money per year into stocks you end up within about $600,000 of the purchasing couple, but they STILL end up ahead. Another reminder that this time frame saw the most appreciation in stocks and real estate in known history. But again, even with the higher interest rate and extra mortgage insurance fees, the purchasing couple still ended up ahead of the renter couple, even with their prudent savings and investing plan. Many people also don’t know how to buy and hold when it comes to stocks and most retail investors underperform the market, as well as many professional investors, so this is an extremely optimistic ROI in the stock portfolio. Meanwhile getting someone to move their home is a much more arduous process and a more illiquid asset, but this is a benefit in a way because it means that you give the asset the proper amount of time it needs to appreciate in value.

So now we’ve seen both scenarios, and both point to the fact that purchasing a home has been the better way to build wealth in Canada in the past 2 decades. Will this be the same in the future? As mentioned many economist are predicting that the real estate market will not see the same returns as the past. But I still believe that due to the ability to leverage your money so highly, with the asset class being relatively stable (for now), makes it a great way to build wealth, and the ability to repeat the process with multiple properties provides growth that you simply won’t be able to duplicate in the stock market. You’re fundamentally limited by one income, but by being a landlord you are dumping many incomes into this investment idea.

Now there is an amount of stress to having that much leverage on your shoulders, if your home value drops 20% and you need to sell you won’t be able to get your down payment out. But just writing those words down unless you buy at the absolute peak and overextend yourself like crazy and lose your job at the same time, a 20% drop is an EXTREMELY uncommon occurrence in our real estate market, in stocks however, there were multiple 20% drops in that 25 year time frame, again psychologically, can be a hard time to sit there and watch your returns on paper take a nosedive. But no one really knows the day to day value of their house and even if the markets having a bad year most people aren’t going to jump to the conclusion that they need to sell.

There is one small dent in this math, and that’s condominiums. Condos have seen much more muted appreciation over the past 25 years compared to freehold housing types, the shift has been very pronounced in the post-covid years with a condo oversupply on the market and a lot of new condo inventory coming online at this moment in time. The price recovery in condos is going to be much slower than freehold but they did still appreciate at about 5-6% per year. So if we assumed a condo buyer vs. a condo renter, the numbers might be somewhat different. But if a condo is solely an investment property for you, it’s still likely that you’ll see good returns in the long run.

Newsletter Email Archive Sent: Nov 26, 2024:

Newsletter #26: Thought Experiment of Real Estate Investing vs. Stocks, US Market News

This Weeks Blog Post:

Investing $100,000 in stocks vs. Real Estate 25 years ago:

  • This post is a discussion about leverage and how real estate is a somewhat unmatched way to leverage your money.
  • Two scenarios leveraging money to purchase real estate vs. stocks
  • Remember, past performance doesn’t predict future results

Read the full article here:

Market Talk:

  • In case you missed it and wanted to hear my discussion with mortgage broker Deren Hasip I would highly recommend watching the video or listening to the podcast. We discuss the upcoming mortgage rule changes on Dec 15, 2024. How the US election may effect Canada. Some professional tips and tricks with mortgages. Examples of new rule changes on purchasing power for first time buyers.
  • YouTube:
  • Spotify:
  • The Canadian Dollar has been suffering a bit thanks to comments that Trump has made about tariffs on Canada. If that does happen there is the possibility that the Bank of Canada will be hesitant to drop mortgage rates and we may see inflation return. These are worst case scenarios and we can hope that not everything will come to pass from the new administration, but one this is for sure that there will be changes, likely economically.

Stock Market Performance as of Tuesday Nov 26, 2024:

S&P 500: 6,013.13 (+26.79% YTD)
NASDAQ: 19,136.73 (+29.60% YTD)
S&P/TSX Composite: 25,383.73 (+21.62% YTD)

Macroeconomics Statistics:

Canada’s CPI Inflation Sep 2024: 2.0% (0.4% Increase from Sept 2024)
Current BoC Benchmark Interest Rate: 3.75% (0.5% Decrease on Oct 23, 2024)
Unemployment Rate October 2024: 6.5% (0.1% Decrease from Sept 2024)

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Real Estate Stats – October 2024:

YTD Average Selling Price: $1,121,871
YTD % Change in Average Selling Price: -1.0%
Y-o-Y (comparing Octobers) % Change in Average Selling Price: +1.1%

YTD Number of MLS Sales: 58,435
YTD % Change in MLS Sales: +0.1%

Y-o-Y (comparing Octobers) % Change in MLS Sales: +44.4%
Number of MLS Sales in October: 6,658
Y-o-Y (comparing Octobers) % Change in Active Listings: +25.3%
Number of Active Listings in October: 24,481

Inventory Available: 3.5 Months (Decrease from 5.0 Months in Sept 2024)

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